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Monday, April 14, 2014

KOMTAR Tower – Penang, Malaysia


        Almost all vacationers to Penang must have visited KOMTAR, one of the prominent landmarks and the tallest building in Penang. KOMTAR that stands for Kompleks Tun Abdul Razak is named after Malaysia’s second prime minister, Tunku Abdul Razak. The 12-sided geometric block building that stands 232 meters above the ground and has 65 storeys is located at the heart of Georgetown. The construction of the structure spent RM 207 million and was completed in 1998 and at that time was the tallest structure in Malaysia. Comprising of retail outlets, shopping mall, Penang central government offices and transportation hub, KOMTAR used to be a multipurpose complex and the shopping paradise for locals and tourists. However, due to poor maintenance of the building, lack of facilities and the emergence of fancier shopping malls in its vicinity like Gurney Plaza, Prangin Mall and Queensbay Mall, its has lost its luster. Many tenants moved out to the new shopping complexes leaving KOMTAR with unoccupied shops that has resulted to the diminishing value of the site. The worn-out exterior also looked unattractive to the tenants and visitors who preferred to have their business run and shop at the new shopping centers. This has caused KOMTAR to be abandoned by the public.




        Leaving its past glory, the present KOMTAR is beyond my imagination when I visited it. I thought the building would look spectacular that it ever became the shopping and tourist center. Its fame has declined and the area has been replaced with dirty, smelly environment and unmaintained building. The first ground is a shopping mall but the shopping activity there was quite rare. However, despite its current flawed reputation, with the existence of KOMTAR bus terminal, it remains the transportation hub of the island where all bus routes embark from there. If you still see some crowd near the building, most of them are people who visit the government offices or wait for the bus. The building however up to the present time still has the reputation as the sixth tallest building in Malaysia and remains the tallest structure in Penang island.


IMG_0824This cylindrical skyscraper looks dull from the outside causing the place to be abandoned by public


IMG_0762On the 58th floor there is an observation deck where you can overview the Penang island with a small charge. The observation deck is open from Monday to Friday. However, since the building looks unattractive, we did not go inside. 


        Not much can be told about the once glorious KOMTAR besides its current dull and unattractive look in the midst of dirty environment. Everything in the area looks pretty old including the shopping mall and the bus station. Nowadays, KOMTAR only remains a name and tourists who visit it would go home unsatisfied or even more disappointed.




Personal experience and additional information from other online articles

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Kisah Nyata: Sembuh dari Dermatitis Seboroik karena Nano Spray

        Halo semua pembaca blogku yang saya kasihi dalam Tuhan Yesus Kristus. 
Kali ini tulisan di blogku agak sedikit berbeda dari biasanya karena di artikel ini 
saya ingin membagikan kisah nyata saya sembuh dari penyakit Dermatitis Seboroik 
(iritasi kulit) yang menahun hanya dengan menggunakan Nano Spray. 

Latar Belakang

        Tujuan utama saya menulis artikel ini bukan untuk komersil, melainkan untuk 
berbagi kesaksian pribadi guna menolong teman-teman yang mempunyai masalah kulit 
menahun dan sudah putus asa dengan pengobatan dokter atau penggunaan bahan kimia. 
Bagi teman-teman yang punya masalah kulit, iritasi, jerawat menahun, kulit berminyak, 
kulit kusam, keriput, kantong mata, flek dll, saya berharap kesaksian saya dapat menginspirasi 
dan menolong kalian semua. 
Ternyata untuk mendapatkan kulit yang sehat dan indah, tidak perlu cara yang ribet dan biaya 
yang mahal, semua bisa didapatkan dengan cara alami, hanya dengan menggunakan air, 
the Power of Water.  


Berikut kesaksian mengenai masalah kulit yang saya alami. 

        1 tahun yang lalu saya menderita iritasi kulit akibat menangis terlalu banyak karena 
nenek saya meninggal. Saya mengusap ingus menggunakan tissue terlalu banyak. 
Tanpa saya sadari bagian kulit di bawah hidung saya menjadi meradang, merah, gatal 
dan berkerak mengelupas. Saya belum pernah mengalami masalah kulit seperti itu sebelumnya. 
Akhirnya setelah sekian lama tidak hilang, saya memutuskan untuk ke dokter kulit. Ternyata saya
menderita iritasi kulit bernama Dermatitis Seboroik. Saya sudah mencoba berkonsultasi ke 
beberapa dokter. Saya pergi ke dokter Erha, dokter kulit manapun dan hampir menghabiskan 
biaya 3 juta rupiah, tapi tetap saja tidak membuahkan hasil apa-apa. Hampir 1 tahun saya berusaha 
untuk mengobati iritasi itu dengan obat-obatan dokter dan krim apotek, tapi tetap saja tidak sembuh. 

        Sejak saya hamil akhir Juli 2013 yang lalu, iritasi tersebut menjalar ke bagian mulut. Saya stress, 
tidak PD dan putus asa. Karena hamil saya menghentikan pemakaian krim-krim dokter dan perawatan 
lainnya, dan akhirnya menyebabkan kulit saya tambah parah dan meradang. Di tengah keputusasaan itu, 
Tuhan Yesus menjawab doa saya melalui teknologi perawatan kulit dari Jepang yang bernama Nano Spray
Suami saya menyuruh saya untuk mencoba membeli Nano Spray. Awalnya saya tidak percaya kalau alat 
itu bisa menyembuhkan penyakit kulit saya yang tidak dapat disembuhkan oleh dokter. Tapi saya akhirnya 
memutuskan untuk mencobanya dan sungguh ajaib Tuhan Yesus menyembuhkan saya melalui Nano Spray. 

 CYMERA_20140312_203820 Foto di atas adalah foto asli yang saya ambil menggunakan kamera HP saya, sama sekali tidak diedit. 
Itu adalah foto yang saya ambil saat kulit wajah saya masih sangat parah, merah dan gatal. 
Awalnya saya mengambil foto itu untuk melihat seberapa parahnya kulit saya, dan tidak pernah terlintas untuk 
menggunakan foto itu untuk mempromosikan Nano Spray. 
Tetapi setelah 1,5 bulan pemakaian secara rutin, saya sembuh total dari Dermatitis Seboroik menahun. 
Tuhan Yesus baik. 

Apa itu Nano Spray?


Black heart (cards) Apa sih itu??

Nano Spray adalah alat elektronik perawatan kulit berteknologi tinggi dari Jepang yang dapat 
mengurangi munculnya garis-garis kerutan pada kulit wajah, mempercepat pergantian sel kulit 
wajah dan membantu mencegah kerusakan sel serta melembabkan kulit wajah yang sensitif.
Hasil yang terlihat :
1. Jerawat dan lemak kecil-kecil hilang
2. Wajah lebih fresh dan kenyal
3. Pori-pori mengecil
4. Tidak seperti ke dokter, wajah jadi merah-merah 
5. Dijamin aman karena hanya menggunakan air oksigen aja, tanpa tambahan bahan kimia lainnnya !!

Black heart (cards) Bagaimana cara kerjanya??

Nano Spray dapat mengubah partikel air ke ukuran nano yang jauh lebih kecil dari pori-pori kulit, 
membuat nutrisinya langsung terserap sempurna. 
Melembabkan, mengencangkan, merangsang pertumbuhan sel kulit dan menghaluskan kerutan di wajah.

Black heart (cards) Cairan apa sih yang digunakan ??

Nano spray menggunakan bahan yang mudah, murah, aman dan tidak beresiko, cukup dengan AIR MINERAL 
seperti air Super O2 (bisa dibeli bebas di apotek atau supermarket terdekat tidak sampai Rp. 10.000).

Black heart (cards) Siapa saja yang dapat menggunakan??

Nano Spray dapat digunakan oleh siapa saja
Sangat cocok digunakan oleh : 
pengendara sepeda motor, orang yang suka traveling, sering berada di ruangan berAC, sering berada 
di luar ruangan dan terkena sinar matahari, kulit kering, iritasi dan kulit berjerawat.

Black heart (cards) Berapa harganya?

Harga untuk 1 paket Nano Spray dan Magic Stick adalah Rp. 2.400.000. Memang kesan awalnya 
agak sedikit mahal, namun jika dibandingkan dengan pengeluaran bulanan yang harus dikeluarkan 
untuk perawatan dokter, maka harga segitu sangatlah murah. Sekali beli bisa pakai seterusnya… 
Berikut ini adalah gambar dari Magic Stick

Sebuah peralatan kecantikan baru yang disebut "Beauty magic stick". Alat ini menunjukan perubahan sebelum dan sesudah anda menggunakannya
dan menunjukan bagaimana mendapatkan kulit indah anda, dan seberapa muda dan kencang wajah yang akan anda dapatkan,dll?
Hanya dengan menggunakan "Beauty magic stick" dengan cara menggerakan roller di permukaan wajah Anda hanya selama 3 atau 5 menit dalam sehari
Cara kerja beauty magic stick:
Electron yang bebas terikat bersama dengan kelembaban kulit sehingga menjadi ion negatif, dan diserap kedalam kulit, peredaran darah menjadi lancar karena mengurangi oksida dalam darah, dan suhu kulit Anda naik. sehingga, dapat mengubah lemak keras pada wajah Anda menjadi lemak cair sehingga mudah terbuang lewat keringat

Manfaat Beauty magic stick:

- Mengurangi dan membakar lemak dalam kulit
- Mengurangi lipatan dan kerutan dikulit
- Mengurangi oksidasi dalam darah
- Mengencangkan bagian yang kendur
- Menghaluskan kulit dan lebih segar
- Membuat kulit lebih awet muda
Cara pakai:
Gunakan Beauty magic stick dengan cara ditempelkan di kulit muka lalu geser dari depan ke belakang selama 5 - 15 menit (disarankan dipakai saat kulit dalam keadaan bersih atau tanpa make up)
Perhatian: bersihkan Beauty magic stick setiap digunakan dgn air bersih/lap basah. Jangan gunakan air panas
Black heart (cards) Mengapa MAHAL???? 


Mahal itu sangat realtif, tapi dibandingkan dengan manfaat yang diperoleh sangatlah sebanding. 
Teknologi tinggi tidaklah murah. 
Produk murah tidak dapat membuktikan manfaatnya karena tidak dapat membuat kabut yang 
disemprot benar-benar berukuran partikel nano. Tentu saja hasil yang didapatkan akan jauh dari harapan.. 

Cara Pemakaian



Cara menggunakan Nano Spray sangat mudah dan praktis karena Nano Spray kecil dan ringan sehingga 
dapat dibawa kemanapun kalian pergi. Kalian dapat memakainya di sela-sela kegiatan sibuk kalian. 
Walau sibuk, kulit wajah tetap terawat dan segar… 

Berikut langkah-langkahnya:

1. Beli air oksigen berkualitas tinggi, seperti Super O2 yang banyak dijual di Alfamart, Indomaret, dan toko lainnya. 
2. Tuangkan air oksigen ke botol penampung kecil
3. Tuangkan air dari botol penampung kecil ke dalam Nano Spray.
4. Tutup penutup Nano Spray dan mulai semprotkan ke area wajah. Jangan menyemprotkan terlalu dekat atau jauh. Semprotkan sampai beberapa kali.
5. Bersihkan dan keringkan bagian lubang Nano Spray dengan menggunakan tissue kering atau kain lap halus.
6. Biarkan embun yang ada di muka mengering secara alami, jangan dilap atau dihapus.

Hanya menggunakan air oksigen, setiap pagi dan malam setelah mencuci muka saya rajin menyemprotkan 
Nano Spray ke area iritasi dan puji Tuhan hanya dalam waktu 1.5 bulan, iritasi saya benar-benar hilang. 
Tidak hanya itu, jerawat saya pun hilang dan wajah saya tidak berminyak lagi. Kulit wajah sekarang terasa 
halus dan kenyal seperti kulit bayi.


Jika temen-temen berminat untuk menanyakan langsung mengenai kesaksian ini dan atau memesan paket 
Nano Spray ini, kalian dapat menghubungi saya: 

Novi 081298133293 / Pin BB 23A15FA5 

Tolong bantu broadcast ya, siapa tahu bisa membantu temen-temen lain yang sudah putus asa dengan masalah kulitnya. 
Semoga kesaksian ini bisa menjadi berkat buat temen-temen semua. 

Happy Sunday and Lord Jesus loves you all:) 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sun Yat Sen Memorial Center – Penang, Malaysia


        Not many know that a small island like Penang could be a source of great support to the birth of the largest nation in the world, Republic of China. Sun Yat Sen widely regarded as the Father of modern China and the first president of the Republic of China is not only revered in China Mainland, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, but also in other countries like Malaysia and Singapore where there are many Chinese descendants. Educated as a physician, Sun Yat Sen was a political and revolutionary leader who had experienced many failed uprisings in his efforts to overthrow the corrupt Qing dynasty. Facing many pressures from the side of the British government, the doubt from other overseas Chinese fellows and the failed uprisings did not make the revolutionist give up. Instead, as a political refuge, he fled to Singapore and Malaysia to gain support from overseas Chinese revolutionists. It was in Penang that he gained most support. So it is not a strange thing if we can also find a memorial hall of Sun Yat Sen in Penang too. The memorial center is an exhibition of dioramas that depict the life and activities of Sun Yat Sen in Penang.



        We accidentally found the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Center and then explored the site. The memorial center is open daily from 9 am to 5 pm and closed on Sundays. The admission fee is about 5 MYR if I am not mistaken. Located at Macalister Road, Georgetown, the memorial hall is housed within the Penang Philomatic Union Building, which was a reading club started by the Tung Meng Hooi (Chinese revolutionary alliance), a political party established in Tokyo. It was Goh Say Eng who opened the Penang branch of the party. The memorial hall was inaugurated and opened for public on 21 November 2010 by the Minister in the Prime Minister's Department and former Chief Minister of Penang, Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon. Little is known about the life and activities of Dr. Sun while he was in Penang, therefore, a memorial center to commemorate the history was established.


IMG_0772 The entrance gate to the memorial center 


        Dr. Sun Yat Sen came to Penang for the first time in 1905 where he was warmly welcomed by the leaders of the overseas Chinese community, Goh Say Eng and Ooi Kim Kheng, in a club house for the Chinese merchants called Xiao Lan Ting which later housed the PPU. Dr. Sun established the Penang Philomatic Union (PPU) on 19 December 1908 to organize overseas Chinese communities to support the revolution in China.  When he realized that his greatest support came from the party members in Penang instead of Singapore, he moved his political party Tung Meng Hooi from Singapore to Penang in 1910. He then initiated the Penang conference at number 404, Dato Keramat Road where he delivered his first speech about the revolutionary vision and planned new strategy for the revolution. The day after it an emergency meeting was conducted at the PPU to garner financial support from among the overseas Chinese communities to purchase weapons and other military necessities for the revolution. Eventually, he successfully collected enough money to finance the second Guangzhou Uprising (also known as Yellow Flower Mound Revolt 黄花岗起义) on 27 April 1911. Though the revolt was crushed, it triggered the Wuchang Uprising ( 武昌起义) on 10-10-1911, which led to the collapse of the Qing dynasty and the formation of the Republic of China (中华民国). the date of uprising is celebrated as Double Ten day (双十节), which is the national day of Taiwan, and memorial day for the mainland China, People Republic of China (PRC) as Anniversary of Wuchang uprising( 武昌起义纪念日). Sun Yat Sen gave honorable credit to the overseas Chinese as the Mother of the Revolution. The PPU was renovated in 2002 to house the memorial center as a place where young people can learn the historic role of Penang in Chinese revolution.




IMG_0817In front of the building at the front courtyard stands the sculpture comprising three men, Sun Yat Sen in the middle and behind him are two his most faithful supporters, the first chairman and vice chairman of the PPU, Goh Say Eng and Ooi Kim Kheng. The statue portrays the undying spirit and commitment of the overseas Chinese communities to fight for justice and revolution.




IMG_0778The memorial center is housed within the Penang Philomathic Union building 


IMG_0781The history board of the Penang Philomathic Union 






IMG_0791 Inside the memorial center is a three-dimensional exhibition of mud figurines made by local craftsmen that portray the life stories of Sun Yat Sen. 








IMG_0788The portrait of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the Founding Father of modern China 






IMG_0802 The diorama of scenes of life in the late Qing dynasty




IMG_0804The miniature portraying the examples of the injustice, debauchery and economic hardships under the Qing Dynasty rule


IMG_0806 The diorama illustrates the situation at the Penang Conference when the political leaders were planning strategies for the new uprising 


IMG_0805The diorama of the Emergency Meeting which was held a day after the Penang Conference




IMG_0808 The “One Man Changed China” statement is also found at the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall in Taipei, Taiwan. 




IMG_0810 Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall in various places 


IMG_0779 At the heart of the memorial center lies the statue of Sun Yat Sen 


IMG_0812The three famous principles of Sun Yat Sen 




IMG_0814 The statue of Sun Yat Sen with the board over it written “Tian Xia Wei Gong”


IMG_0811At the back of the statue is a room where visitors can sit and relax while enjoying the serenity of the memorial center






        Visiting the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Center in Penang has really given me new insights into how big the influence of Sun Yat Sen is. I realized that he is not only revered in China mainland but also in other parts of Asia. His revolutionary idea inspires many Chinese people worldwide to remember their motherland and contribute to its welfare. Sun Yat Sen is indeed the one man that changed China.




Personal experience and additional information from other online articles